John Donne What type of sonnet is “Holy Sonnet VI”?
Andrew Marvell, “To His Coy Mistress” In the second stanza…
Andrew Marvell, “To His Coy Mistress” In the second stanza of the same poem, what is time driving at the speaker’s back?
Ben Jonson In the same stanza of “Still to be neat, still…
Ben Jonson In the same stanza of “Still to be neat, still to be dressed,” what does the speaker say bothers him about the lady who is always neat and perfect looking?
Bacon’s “Of Travel” True or False: Bacon says that a man s…
Bacon’s “Of Travel” True or False: Bacon says that a man should be familiar with the language of the country to which he is traveling; otherwise, the man will be going to school, not to travel.
John Donne’s “Meditation #17” In the second paragraph, Don…
John Donne’s “Meditation #17” In the second paragraph, Donne says there was some disagreement about which religious orders should be first to ring their bell to call people to prayer. What determination did they make (in other words, who was allowed to ring the bell first)?
Sir Francis Bacon’s “Of Marriage and Single Life” Bacon sa…
Sir Francis Bacon’s “Of Marriage and Single Life” Bacon says that unmarried men are the best at three things, but then he says unmarried men are NOT always the best what?
Ben Jonson In “Song: To Celia,” what does the rosy wreath…
Ben Jonson In “Song: To Celia,” what does the rosy wreath now smell like?
Which poet is considered by critics to have founded the Meta…
Which poet is considered by critics to have founded the Metaphysical style of poetry? (He is the MOST Metaphysical.)
Amelia Lanyer Later in the same stanza, from where does th…
Amelia Lanyer Later in the same stanza, from where does the speaker say Adam received the command not to eat the apple?
Andrew Marvell, “The Fair Singer” Referring to the same po…
Andrew Marvell, “The Fair Singer” Referring to the same poem, which of the following is a true statement about information from the first stanza?