The last US Army commander of the cavalry units in Texas prior to the Civil War was:
Stephen F. Austin died from __________ in December, 1836.
Stephen F. Austin died from __________ in December, 1836.
Which of the following musicians was not born in Texas?
Which of the following musicians was not born in Texas?
The commander of all Confederate troops in far south Texas w…
The commander of all Confederate troops in far south Texas was the former Texas Ranger captain:
John Kennedy was able to carry Texas in the 1960 presidentia…
John Kennedy was able to carry Texas in the 1960 presidential election because he won the support of:
Currently, about 40% of the nation’s ____________ industry i…
Currently, about 40% of the nation’s ____________ industry is located in the Houston area.
Sam Houston was not reappointed to his seat in the US Senate…
Sam Houston was not reappointed to his seat in the US Senate in 1858 largely because of his opposition to the:
The only southern barrier island to be retaken by the Confed…
The only southern barrier island to be retaken by the Confederacy during the course of the war was __________ Island.
Which of the following helped out Ann Richards’s ability to…
Which of the following helped out Ann Richards’s ability to win the 1990 governor’s race?
___________________ was the first Republican to be elected g…
___________________ was the first Republican to be elected governor of Texas in the 20th century.