To call a function, code the name of the function followed by _____
What produces a collection of integers?
What produces a collection of integers?
____ writes a string to a text file
____ writes a string to a text file
What is the relational operator for equal to?
What is the relational operator for equal to?
Which is a list with 1, 2, and 3?
Which is a list with 1, 2, and 3?
What list does range(4) produce?
What list does range(4) produce?
What possible values can number have after the following lin…
What possible values can number have after the following line executes?number = random.randrange(1, 100)
What module contains the shuffle function?
What module contains the shuffle function?
_____ is when the source code violates the rules of Python c…
_____ is when the source code violates the rules of Python coding
____ is the integer division operator
____ is the integer division operator