Which of the following aids would be MOST helpful to this client in removing supragingival plaque biofilm? Case A Images
The client has 5-mm pockets on teeth #15 and #17. Which of t…
The client has 5-mm pockets on teeth #15 and #17. Which of the following describes how the measurement is determined?
The horizontal radiolucent band in the apical third of the r…
The horizontal radiolucent band in the apical third of the root of tooth #8 represents the image of: Case H
The client has 5-mm pockets on teeth #15 and #17. Which of t…
The client has 5-mm pockets on teeth #15 and #17. Which of the following describes how the measurement is determined?
Mushroom-shaped elevations scattered over the anterior third…
Mushroom-shaped elevations scattered over the anterior third of the dorsum of the tongue are known as:
When should an appointment for periodontal maintenance (PM)…
When should an appointment for periodontal maintenance (PM) therapy occur if the objectives of nonsurgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) are not reached as determined at the reevaluation visit?
Diabetes is a genetic endocrine disorder. Diabetes is a res…
Diabetes is a genetic endocrine disorder. Diabetes is a result of the destruction of insulin-producing cells of the pancreas resulting from inflammation, viruses, cancer or surgery.
During the course of dental hygiene care, the client becomes…
During the course of dental hygiene care, the client becomes rigid, his eyes roll upward, and he begins to have a seizure. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate course of action?
You determine from the patient medical history interview tha…
You determine from the patient medical history interview that the patient’s last A1C level was 9.5% and today’s blood glucose level is 250mg/dl. Which of the following would be the BEST for managing this patient before proceeding with treatment?
What is the radiolucent area at the tip of #29? Case A Image…
What is the radiolucent area at the tip of #29? Case A Images