Deliberate choices of materials can involve the pointed spurning of rich resources in favor of humbler stuff, including using _________ for sculpture.
Which of the following are NOT examples of four-dimensional…
Which of the following are NOT examples of four-dimensional art? (Choose all that apply)
Which of the following types of art serve a communal need ra…
Which of the following types of art serve a communal need rather than a personal need? (Choose all that apply)
Deliberate choices of materials can involve the pointed spur…
Deliberate choices of materials can involve the pointed spurning of rich resources in favor of humbler stuff, including using _________ for sculpture.
_________ analysis is an examination of the elements and pri…
_________ analysis is an examination of the elements and principles of design present in an artwork.
What did Georgia O’Keeffe’s paint that could be considered a…
What did Georgia O’Keeffe’s paint that could be considered a reminder of death but to O’Keeffe was a thing of beauty and life?
The ___________ movement turned away from categories and def…
The ___________ movement turned away from categories and definitions based on rationality and instead celebrated spontaneity, emotion, the individual, and the sublime.
Through his use of critical realism, George Grosz used his w…
Through his use of critical realism, George Grosz used his work, The Hero, to
Through study of ancient art and close observation of the wo…
Through study of ancient art and close observation of the world around them, artists during the Italian Renaissance era realized another pinnacle of naturalism
The Dome of the Rock in Israel has passed between the hands…
The Dome of the Rock in Israel has passed between the hands of different religions many times since it was built, and its divergent meanings and strong significance make it a constant site of contested exclusion.