— voy a dar el regalo a mis padres.
Pásamela tells you to pass me what item…
Pásamela tells you to pass me what item…
Which relative pronoun connects the clauses best. — es impo…
Which relative pronoun connects the clauses best. — es importante es saber la verdad.
Decide if the verb would be preterite or impefect. I used to…
Decide if the verb would be preterite or impefect. I used to sing in the choir.
A mí — gusta viajar.
A mí — gusta viajar.
Using reciprocal constructions say what the people are doing…
Using reciprocal constructions say what the people are doing. Ellos —-
Llevo un traje de baño para nadar. ¿– llevas en la piscina…
Llevo un traje de baño para nadar. ¿– llevas en la piscina también?
Use the stressed possessive to show whose item it is. Son nu…
Use the stressed possessive to show whose item it is. Son nuestros libros.
Daniela was dancing and singing in her kitchen.
Daniela was dancing and singing in her kitchen.
Use the stressed possessive to show whose item it is. Son mi…
Use the stressed possessive to show whose item it is. Son mis botas.