What types of monitored parameters/symptoms would alert you…

What types of monitored parameters/symptoms would alert you that the patient could benefit from a higher level of pressure support?           I.        high respiratory rate           II.       low tidal volume           III.      increased work of breathing

An adult patient is in the SIMV mode with pressure support o…

An adult patient is in the SIMV mode with pressure support on a PB 840.  The ventilator shows the total respiratory rate of 34/min and a minute ventilation of 12.0 L/min.  Abg’s on an fi02 of 0.28 are as follows:  ph 7.47, paC02 30 torr, pa02 110 torr.  This scenario indicates:             I.   the patient is breathing fast due to hypoxemia           II.   the patient is tachypneic                     III.   the patient is hyperventilating IV.   the ventilator may be autotriggering