This type of symbiotic relationship occurs when one population is unaffected and the other benefits. An example are mites in human hair follicles.
An infectious viral agent inside the cell is called a virus;…
An infectious viral agent inside the cell is called a virus; outside the cell it is called a:
A fungus that is a pathogen can produce infections in animal…
A fungus that is a pathogen can produce infections in animals called:
This is a eukaryotic structure used for classification and a…
This is a eukaryotic structure used for classification and asexual or asexual reproduction.
Bacteriophage, like phage Lambda, that are capable of a lyso…
Bacteriophage, like phage Lambda, that are capable of a lysogenic replication cycle (lysogeny) are called:
These traits help distinguish between bacteria and are used…
These traits help distinguish between bacteria and are used to classify them. They include morphology, size, colony type, endospores, flagella.
The excision of integrated viral DNA from the host chromosom…
The excision of integrated viral DNA from the host chromosome, which can be caused by x-rays and UV light, is known as:
This dimorphic fungus can cause a lung infection when humans…
This dimorphic fungus can cause a lung infection when humans breath it in.
This unsegmented pinworm (a type of roundworm) has a complex…
This unsegmented pinworm (a type of roundworm) has a complex life cycle and causes infection when its microscopic eggs are ingested by humans.
What is the packaging plant of a cell that creates small ves…
What is the packaging plant of a cell that creates small vesicles of material?