James has played basketball since he was 5 and is a strong p…

James has played basketball since he was 5 and is a strong player.  Mike just started playing basketball recently and is a novice, recreational player.  James and Mike are the same age.  When shooting free throws alone, James hits an average of 90%, whereas Mike hits an average of 40%. James and Mike are asked to shoot free throws in front of a large audience in a gym. Generalizing from the research of Robert Zajonc, one would expect ____________________ due to social facilitation.

In class, we discussed the ‘blindfold study’ regarding socia…

In class, we discussed the ‘blindfold study’ regarding social facilitation in which participants were required to perform a task while either a blindfolded or non-blindfolded confederate was in the room. The outcome of the ‘blindfold study’ seems to cast some doubt on (or discredit) the ____________________ explanation of social facilitation.