In the Bird Mark 7 or 8 IPPB devices, bypassing the venturi…

In the Bird Mark 7 or 8 IPPB devices, bypassing the venturi (by pushing the “air-mix” control IN) will have which of the following effects?           a decrease in available flow during inspiration        an increase in the end-inspiratory pressure        delivery of 100% source gas to the patient

The following is true regarding transtracheal aspiration A…

The following is true regarding transtracheal aspiration A catheter is inserted through the cricothyroid membrane into the trachea Can be used to provide emergency ventilation Specimens are useful in diagnosing Legionnaires disease Used as a routine method of sputum removal for patients who cannot cough

The following are true regarding Electromagnetic Interferenc…

The following are true regarding Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): They are invisible waves that move through matter.  EMI waves are emitted by electronic transmitting devices.  EMI can cause hospital equipment to malfunction. Thick foam equipment covers are the best method to shield for EMI.