The gastrointestinal manifestations of patients with CF including malabsorption, diarrhea, and constipation are secondary to?
A 34 yo female presents to the hospital complaining of acute…
A 34 yo female presents to the hospital complaining of acute shortness of breath and chest pain. She states that her symptoms started 2 hours ago suddenly. She denies any other respiratory symptom. She has no past medical history and only takes oral contraceptives. She looks in distress. Her vitals are BP = 120/70, HR = 85, RR = 22, SpO2 = 88% on room air. Her physical exam is unremarkable. What is the next best step to confirm this patient diagnosis?
A 4 yo girl is brought to the UF Health ED by her parents. T…
A 4 yo girl is brought to the UF Health ED by her parents. They report that they found the child lying on the kitchen floor complaining of stomach cramps; a number of kitchen items were opened and presumably eaten by the child. BP = 110/70 mm Hg. Respiratory rate = 22 per minute. Breathing room air, clinical data are as follows; pH = 7.47, PaO2 = 88 mm Hg, PaCO2 = 48 mm Hg, HCO3- = 34 mEq/L, Cl- = 105 mEq/L, Glucose = 480 mg/dL, and SpO2 = 96%. Which of the following best describes the status of the patient?
You are flying in an airplane at 37,000 feet above sea level…
You are flying in an airplane at 37,000 feet above sea level when a partial loss of cabin pressure is experienced, resulting in the deployment of breathing masks that are a 50:50 mix of nitrogen and oxygen. Once the pilots stabilize the aircraft, the instrument panel indicates that the cabin pressure is 397 mm Hg. Due to anxiety induced hyperventilation, your PaCO2 drops to 32 mm Hg. After firmly placing the mask on your face as the flight attendants instructed when you were not paying attention, what will be your PAO2 (mm Hg)?
With respect to the transport of CO2 in the blood, which of…
With respect to the transport of CO2 in the blood, which of the following is true?
A 50 year old homeless male who was recently released from p…
A 50 year old homeless male who was recently released from prison is found to have a parenchymal lung nodule and hilar lymph node lesions. The lung nodule is excised and the pathology resident tells you that on gross exam, it looked like a caseating granuloma. Microscopically, giant cells and central necrosis are identified. An AFB stain performed on the tissue sections reveals a few AFB positive rod shaped bacteria. What organism is most likely?
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized…
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by which of the following?
A 69 year old female presents to the hospital complaining of…
A 69 year old female presents to the hospital complaining of a one week cough, sputum production, and fever. She states that she is feeling better, but she now has a right side sharp pain with inspiration. When you examine the patient her vital signs are stable. She has decreased breath sounds on the right lower lung field, and dullness to percussion. You order a Chest X-ray and the result is shown below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 76 yo male presents in your office for his routine checkup…
A 76 yo male presents in your office for his routine checkup. He is complaining of increased shortness of breath, cough, nasal congestion, and changes in his sputum. He states that he was doing well until three days ago. Last weekend his grandchildren were visiting and one of them had a cold. You think he has an AECOPD. What is your next step in the management of this patient?
A chronic alcoholic presents to the Emergency Department wit…
A chronic alcoholic presents to the Emergency Department with a 3-day history of a productive cough. His vital signs show a fever and a chest x-ray shows dense consolidation in the right lower lobe. You astutely order a sputum gram stain and culture. When the nurse collects the patient’s sputum, she tells you that it is thick, dark red/brown and similar in appearance to currant jelly. What morphological and microbiological characteristics would you expect the microbiology laboratory to identify?