Age: 10 Sex: M Clinical Info: Color: yellow Glucose:…

Age: 10 Sex: M Clinical Info: Color: yellow Glucose: Neg Clinitest   Appearance: hazy Protein: 100 mg/dL SSA: 1+ Sp Gravity: 1.012 Ketones: Neg Acetest:   pH: 6.0 Bilirubin: Neg Ictotest:   Blood Neg Urobili: Normal     Nitrite Neg Leuk Est: Neg     Microscopic : 10-25 RBCs/hpf; Uric acid crystals seen      Which of the following is a likely cause of the discrepancy in the data above?

A patient was admitted to the ER with sever upper quadrant a…

A patient was admitted to the ER with sever upper quadrant abdominal pain. The patient has never experienced these symptoms before. His lab results revealed elevated serum amylase and lipase levels along with an elevated urine amylase.  What is the most likely diagnosis?