After leaving the structure at arrow “D” , where will blood flow next?
Which area to the brain does the blood vessels at the arrow…
Which area to the brain does the blood vessels at the arrow supply blood to?
Which blood vessel is at the arrow A?
Which blood vessel is at the arrow A?
Give the function for the cell at the pointer on the model a…
Give the function for the cell at the pointer on the model above.
Identify the region indicated by arrow B
Identify the region indicated by arrow B
Name the area of the body drained by the structure labeled “…
Name the area of the body drained by the structure labeled “B” on the model above.
Identify the structure labeled at the arrows on the above mo…
Identify the structure labeled at the arrows on the above models.
Identify the blood vessel indicated by the arrow. (Red Vess…
Identify the blood vessel indicated by the arrow. (Red Vessel)
Give the function for the areas labeled by the arrows on the…
Give the function for the areas labeled by the arrows on the histological image shown.
Which area of the brain does the blood vessel at the arrow s…
Which area of the brain does the blood vessel at the arrow supplies blood to?