(Dr. Yan) Kuru, Mad cow disease (BSE), Scrapie, Chronic wasting disease, Variant CJD all are animalprion diseases.
Which of the following have vaccines available? (2 point)
Which of the following have vaccines available? (2 point)
(Dr. Yan) Calicivirus has only one Open Reading Frame (ORF).
(Dr. Yan) Calicivirus has only one Open Reading Frame (ORF).
(Dr. Yan) What is most important genus of orthomyxovirus fam…
(Dr. Yan) What is most important genus of orthomyxovirus family in avian species?
(Dr. Yan) To control mad cow disease, every cow has been tes…
(Dr. Yan) To control mad cow disease, every cow has been tested before slaughter.
(Dr. Yan) Select the best answer for the description of repl…
(Dr. Yan) Select the best answer for the description of replication defective retrovirus?
(Dr. Yan) Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus affect all ages o…
(Dr. Yan) Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus affect all ages of rabbits.
(Alejandro Banda) This is an insect-borne virus that infects…
(Alejandro Banda) This is an insect-borne virus that infects mostly sheep, and the pathogenesis includes vascular injury, disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombosis, generalized hemorrhagic disease (diathesis), and erosions and ulcerations on mucous membranes and lameness.
(Alejandro Banda) What is the factor that determines that so…
(Alejandro Banda) What is the factor that determines that some bird species play a role as reservoirs (enzootic cycle) of both Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus and Western Equine Encephalitis Virus?
(Dr. Yan) Due to gene reassortment when one cell is infected…
(Dr. Yan) Due to gene reassortment when one cell is infected with two different flu A viruses H5N1 and H3N2. What is the possible HA-NA outcomes? (2 points)