Which of the following tissues contain cells that do not divide?1. Epithelial tissue 2. Blood cells 3. Nervous tissue in the adult
Identify the sensitivity of the following types of cell or t…
Identify the sensitivity of the following types of cell or tissue A. Radiosensitive (more sensitive) B. Radio-insensitive (less sensitive) 74. _____ nervous tissue 75. _____ neutrophils 76. _____ non specialized cells 77. _____ cells with a low metabolism 78. _____ cells with low mitotic activity 79. _____ muscle tissue
True/False Correct the underlined work in the false statemen…
True/False Correct the underlined work in the false statements. (2 pt each) _______ Research suggests that the LD 50/30 is more effective than the LD 50/60 at identifyingdeaths from radiation exposure.
Identify the absorbed doses necessary to produce the followi…
Identify the absorbed doses necessary to produce the following effects.
Radiolysis of water molecules creates
Radiolysis of water molecules creates
Matching: Please indicate which syndrome the following state…
Matching: Please indicate which syndrome the following statements apply to. (1 pt. each) A. Cerebrovascular Syndrome B. Gastrointestinal Syndrome C. Hematopoietic Syndrome 80. ______ Threshold dose of 1 – 10 Gy 81. ______ Threshold dose of 50 Gy 82 ______ Syndrome with the longest latent period 83. ______ Medical treatment will not prevent death from occurring 84 . ______ Manifest symptoms appear is 3-5 weeks 85. ______ The prodromal stage appears within minutes and can last as long as a few hours
True/False Correct the underlined work in the false statemen…
True/False Correct the underlined work in the false statements. (2 pt each) Point mutations commonly occur with high LET radiation.
With regard to the Bergonie-Tribondeau Law of Radiosensitiv…
With regard to the Bergonie-Tribondeau Law of Radiosensitivity, which of the following is true?
The steps or rungs of the DNA ladder-like structure consists…
The steps or rungs of the DNA ladder-like structure consists of complementary chemicals that are:
In DNA cytosine bonds only with:
In DNA cytosine bonds only with: