These algae have filaments that contain the pigment chlorophyll and make up pond scum.
Most bacteria have defined morphologies. One type of morphol…
Most bacteria have defined morphologies. One type of morphology is pictured here.
Which statement applies to fungi?
Which statement applies to fungi?
This doctor developed the first vaccine that protected again…
This doctor developed the first vaccine that protected against smallpox.
These gliding bacteria produce fruiting bodies when starving…
These gliding bacteria produce fruiting bodies when starving.
The cell walls of protozoa consist of _________________.
The cell walls of protozoa consist of _________________.
Yeasts are members of this domain.
Yeasts are members of this domain.
You believe you see a eukaryotic cell using the microscope….
You believe you see a eukaryotic cell using the microscope. Which statement would confirm the cell is a eukaryotic cell only?
Green and purple sulfur bacteria live in anaerobic condition…
Green and purple sulfur bacteria live in anaerobic conditions and produce this photosynthetic pigment.
This structure of protozoa holds the organelles including th…
This structure of protozoa holds the organelles including the nuclei and mitochondria.