Read the following scenario and answer the question below.  …

Read the following scenario and answer the question below.  In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt created the Grand Canyon National Game Preserve on the Kaibab Plateau in northern Arizona. Between 1907 and 1923, cattle grazing was greatly reduced, mule deer hunting was eliminated, and predators were killed. Over 800 cougars, 20 wolves (most had already been killed in the 1800s), and 7000 coyotes were trapped or shot. In response, the mule deer herd began to increase: By 1915, deer numbers were estimated at 25,000; 50,000 by 1920; and 100,000 by 1923. The removal of the livestock and predators, and the cessation of hunting in 1907 ________.

Read the following scenario and answer the question below. M…

Read the following scenario and answer the question below. Many biologists and environmental educators are interested in maintaining biodiversity in urban landscapes, where preserves or reserves are scarce unless land has been set aside for them in urban planning. Nonetheless, they have discovered that making even small changes in commercial and residential landscaping can help promote biodiversity. Some of the changes that have been successful include using native species for street trees and for decorative landscaping, reducing pesticide use on lawns and gardens, and reducing fertilizer use through composting and mulching. Also, managers of schools, larger businesses, and residences are encouraged to increase habitat diversity by creating “landscape islands” that include larger trees surrounded by shrubs and herbaceous plants. Landscape islands ideally should include native species, mixed with exotic ornamentals at the discretion of the land owners. From your experiences with the lawn and the butterfly garden, you can affirm that ________.

Read the statement below carefully. Answer True if you think…

Read the statement below carefully. Answer True if you think a statement it TRUE. Answer False if you think the statement is FALSE. Give a brief explanation or example to justify your answer. A nation’s economic situation will not affect attitudes toward environmental issues.

Read the following scenario and answer the question below. …

Read the following scenario and answer the question below.  Despite the high cost of the technology to design genetically modified (GM) crops, American companies have invested in their development. The first genetically engineered crop was the Flavr Savr tomato, which was created by reversing the function of a normal tomato gene. It was approved by the FDA for sale in the United States in 1994. Its grower, the Calgene Corporation, maintained that it would ripen longer on the vine, taste and ship better, and last longer on supermarket shelves compared to conventional tomatoes. It is no longer marketed because of technical problems and public safety concerns. Today, most engineered crops are modified for insect and herbicide resistance. In 1997, Monsanto Company first marketed GM corn. This Bt corn was engineered using genes from the Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria that made the corn resistant to some pests. In 1999, environmentalists were alarmed when it was reported that pollen from Bt corn could kill monarch butterfly larvae if corn pollen drifted onto milkweed plants that monarchs fed upon. Consumers feared the unknown and were concerned about potential food allergies. Presently, corn, along with soybeans, cotton, and canola dominate the GM food market. These crops are grown and distributed mostly in the United States, Argentina, Canada, Brazil, and China. They are used mostly for animal feed, clothing, or to make oil or other ingredients for processed food, which has helped them gain public acceptance. Although GM crops such as strawberries, potatoes, and lettuce have all been marketed in the United States, GM food field trials involving biotech fruits and vegetables have dropped significantly during the past several years, and the pace of new product introductions has fallen sharply. This narrow range of crops could mean that biotechnology may not realize its full potential in the future. The Flavr Savr tomato is no longer marketed because ________.