Fracking is used in the extraction of ________.
Read the following scenario and answer the question below. …
Read the following scenario and answer the question below. Many geologists have proposed naming the current time period of Earth’s history the Anthropocene epoch. The rationale for doing so includes the fact that erosion rates and greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere have increased rapidly over the past 300 years. Almost all environmental scientists agree that increases in greenhouse gases contribute to global climate change. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and water vapor are the main culprits. Human activities, chief among them the extraction and burning of fossil fuels for energy, have significantly increased these “greenhouse gases” in our atmosphere in the last 300 years. With rising standards of living in developing countries, emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are expected to continue to rise. If unchecked, carbon dioxide levels will reach twice preindustrial levels by midcentury and double again by the end of the century. Computer models have shown that this rise alone could raise Earth’s temperatures by 3 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. Preindustrial levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have been estimated to be approximately 275 ppm (parts per million). If unchecked, carbon dioxide levels are expected to reach ________ ppm by the year 2100.
Which type of diversity is the number and variety of ecosyst…
Which type of diversity is the number and variety of ecosystems?
Which of the following is the primary factor that differenti…
Which of the following is the primary factor that differentiates one amino acid from another?
Which hormone signals glycogen breakdown?
Which hormone signals glycogen breakdown?
What can be said about the healthiness of consuming coconut…
What can be said about the healthiness of consuming coconut oil in the diet?
Which food is highest in Omega 3 fatty acids?
Which food is highest in Omega 3 fatty acids?
Which guideline provides specific nutrient requirements for…
Which guideline provides specific nutrient requirements for each age group and gender?
Which accessory organ makes and secretes digestive enzymes a…
Which accessory organ makes and secretes digestive enzymes and bicarbonate into the small intestine?
Which monosaccharide combines with glucose to make lactose?
Which monosaccharide combines with glucose to make lactose?