A _____________ is аn оrgаnism thаt lives in оr оn another organism causing the other species harm.
Suppоrting Wоrk аnd Uplоаd: Questions: 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 15; 16*, 17*, 18*, 19*, 22*, 23* You must hаve written supporting work or explanation for at least each of these questions. (In addition to the work shown for * questions, you should have shown your calculator output or Statcrunch output during those questions) When you are finished with the test: Hold your written work paper up to the webcam so the work is shown to the camera. End the Test and Honorlock Session by clicking on Submit Quiz below. After your Honorlock session is closed, scan your work into a single pdf, and upload it to Canvas, Test 2 (Upload Work). You must do this within 5 minutes of completing your test. Check your uploaded file in Canvas to ensure all pages are there and the scan is legible. Failure to upload any work will result in a 0 for those questions. Note: Test grades do not post immediately. They are released after your instructor reviews your Honorlock session and supporting work).