2.1 Section B: Extended Writing The 1920’s saw a great ec…
2.1 Section B: Extended Writing The 1920’s saw a great economic boom within the USA, making people feel as if there was never ending wealth available. In 1929 this changed drastically with the Wall Street Crash. Explain how America experienced the boom and bust by answering the following questions: 2.1.1 Which industries experienced an economic boom during the 1920’s? (10) 2.1.2 Which factors played a role in the eventual economic collapse of the United States of America? (10) 2.1.3 What impact did the crash of the stock market have on the economy of the country? (10)
2.1 Section B: Extended Writing The 1920’s saw a great ec…
2.1 Sectiоn B: Extended Writing The 1920’s sаw а greаt ecоnоmic boom within the USA, making people feel as if there was never ending wealth available. In 1929 this changed drastically with the Wall Street Crash. Explain how America experienced the boom and bust by answering the following questions: 2.1.1 Which industries experienced an economic boom during the 1920’s? (10) 2.1.2 Which factors played a role in the eventual economic collapse of the United States of America? (10) 2.1.3 What impact did the crash of the stock market have on the economy of the country? (10) [30]
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