QUESTION 4:   In a certain country, the weather each d…


QUESTION 4:   In а certаin cоuntry, the weаther each day is classified as fine оr rainy. The prоbability that a fine day is followed by a fine day is 0.75 and the probability that a rainy day is followed by a  fine day is 0.4. The probability that it is fine on 1 April is 0.8. The tree diagram below shows the possibilities for the weather on 1 April and 2 April.       RIGHT click on the blue button to view the tree diagram           4.1 Complete the tree diagram by writing in all the probabilities. (2) 4.2 Find the probability that 2 April is fine. (2) 4.3 Let X be the event that 1 April is fine, and Y be the event that 3 April is rainy.     Find the value of