EXHIBIT 6 The file Final Exam_Exhibit 6_DATA.xlsm contains t…
EXHIBIT 6 The file Final Exam_Exhibit 6_DATA.xlsm contains the inventory and annual sales data of a retailer. Please create an ABC analysis of this inventory data, and use it to respond to the following questions. For this Exhibit, assume the following thresholds for the categorization of SKUs: Type A: 20% of SKUs with highest dollar usage Type B: 30% of SKUs with medium dollar usage Type C: 50% of SKUs with lowest dollar usage Important: When clicking on this link, if the file does not open you will find it in the “download” section of your browser (bottom left of the page) and you can open it from there. If it still does not open, make sure that you are not editing a formula in another Excel file (this sometimes prevents you from opening a new file). Please note that this file is protected against saving. Do not close this file until you submit the exam, otherwise you may loose its content. In case you inadvertently closed the file, please download it again.