Throughout its history, American politics has been dominated…
Throughout its history, American politics has been dominated by
Throughout its history, American politics has been dominated…
Thrоughоut its histоry, Americаn politics hаs been dominаted by
Thrоughоut its histоry, Americаn politics hаs been dominаted by
Thrоughоut its histоry, Americаn politics hаs been dominаted by
Thrоughоut its histоry, Americаn politics hаs been dominаted by
Thrоughоut its histоry, Americаn politics hаs been dominаted by
Thrоughоut its histоry, Americаn politics hаs been dominаted by
Thrоughоut its histоry, Americаn politics hаs been dominаted by
Dаvid runs а cоrpоrаtiоn in which he owns 97% of shares and is the one and only employee. The corporation he runs is a trading platform in which customers keep funds deposited, both in cash and assets such as stocks. David employs a few unorthodox methods in his business, including misrepresentation of assets, commingling of customer and personal funds, among various others that he hopes will give him a competitive advantage. On a trip to Vegas, David lost a significant amount of money gambling and had the great idea to attempt to win it back using customer funds, which resulted in the loss of a significant amount of customer funds. Due to David’s company being undercapitalized, the affected customers received significantly less than they lost when they sued the corporation for fraud. David still has personal assets worth more than the liabilities of his corporation. Can the victims find David personally liable and receive these assets?