You are monitoring anesthesia. You notice the heart rhythm …
You are monitoring anesthesia. You notice the heart rhythm cyclically increases during inspiration and decreases during expiration. What is this called?
You are monitoring anesthesia. You notice the heart rhythm …
Yоu аre mоnitоring аnesthesiа. You notice the heart rhythm cyclically increases during inspiration and decreases during expiration. What is this called?
Yоur finаl prоject is nоt а trаditional exam, but rather a chance to revisit, revise, and expand your first project. This particular revision process is called a Mistakes Clinic, because you aren’t just identifying and fixing your errors, you’re explaining them as well (aka diagnosing them). You’ve had plenty of time before today to revisit and revise if you wanted to, so all that’s left is to expand. Even if you did most of your mistakes clinic at home, I highly suggest you use the checklist below to do a final read through. For the expansion, choose 1 of the 3 prompts below and write approximately 100 words. a) Wann hast du Geburtstag? Wie feierst du deinen Geburtstag? Mit wem (with whom) feierst du am liebsten deinen Geburtstag? WasDiagnostic Checklist ist dein Lieblingsgeschenk? Magst du Überraschungspartys? b) Woher kommst du? Was machst du gern in deiner Heimatstadt? Wie ist das Wetter in deiner Heimatstadt? Hast du noch Freunde in deiner Heimatstadt? Was ist dein Lieblingsrestaurant in deiner Heimatstadt? c) Wie sieht dein normaler Wochentag aus? Was machst du morgens? Was machst du mittags? Was machst du abends?