Begin by downloading the file TechSalesData.RData to your R…
Begin by downloading the file TechSalesData.RData to your R working directory. Then, at the R prompt, enter the command: load(“TechSalesData.RData”) This will put the data frame TechSales in your environment. TechSales contains records on sales representatives from the hardware and software product groups of a high-tech company. For each employee, the data include socio-demographic and education information, salary, sales performance, and a personality indicator. Also included in the data is a net promoter score, which is an indicatory of customer satisfaction with each sales rep. This is a simplified representation of a realistic data set. The variables: Sales_Rep: A unique ID for each sales representative. Business: One of the two product groups: Hardware and Software Age: Employees actual age Gender: Male or Female Years: The number of years the employee has been employed at the company College: Whether or not the employee has a four-year college degree. Personality: One of four different personality types Certificates: The number of relevant professional certifications each employee has earned. Feedback: The average feedback score that each employee receives from his or her peers and supervisor on the 360 degree annual evaluation. Salary: Annual base salary of each employee NPS: The net promoter score (NPS) is a key indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty. How many rows are there in the TechSales data frame?