A trial notebook is not likely to include which of the follo…


A triаl nоtebооk is not likely to include which of the following?​

MAINTAINING WORKERS IN A DIGITAL WORLD   Mаchines аre leаrning hоw tо perfоrm routine tasks and more complicated ones, and their progress is piquing employers’ interests. The retail and health industries stand the most to gain from incorporating artificial intelligence into work. Both could see a 50 percent revenue increase, according to a new Accenture report. And if all companies invest in AI at a rate similar to that of top-performing businesses, companies could boost their revenues by 38 percent. Despite all of the talk of machines taking away jobs, the study also found that 100 percent of CEOs who plan to use artificial intelligence intend to use that AI to enhance, not diminish, their workers’ capabilities. Enhancing workers’ capabilities could pay off substantially. As an example, the research notes that pathologists without AI are able to identify cancer cells accurately 96 percent of the time and that machines without humans are able to identify the cells accurately 92 percent of the time. But when humans and machines work together, they identify the cells almost 100 percent of the time. Because implementing artificial intelligence would create new positions—such as people who would train machines or ensure that the machines do not hurt humans—employment could increase by 10 percent due to the increased need for human-machine collaboration. Humans would need new digital skills to collaborate with machines, and “human-interface designers” (the people ensuring that machines are user-friendly) would become invaluable. The report found that workers across age groups are interested in developing new skills—the challenge is that they don’t always get the support they need to acquire them. Schools attempt to provide students with skills such as computer programming that will become increasingly important in the future, yet the highly uneven access to quality education puts certain populations at a disadvantage. Federal job-training programs similarly strive to help people gain new and marketable skills, but they struggle to achieve noteworthy results on a large scale. Workers who need digital skills could instead turn to their employers, especially the companies embracing the new technologies that are changing the very nature of their work. But fewer than 3 percent of executives plan in the next three years to significantly increase investment in training programs that would help laborers work in tandem with machines. Meanwhile, 58 percent plan to slightly increase training, and 39 percent plan to keep their training the same. Companies “are at the very early stage of understanding that human-machine collaboration is where the real value is,” said Ellyn Shook, who co-authored the report, suggesting that most executives are focused on introducing machines to help workers but haven’t figured out how to match machines up with human talent to maximize results. Curiously, while employers seem to benefit the most from training workers, they appear to be the most reluctant compared to educators and the federal government when it comes to investing in training. That’s largely because employers are more focused on instant gratification. Unlike the 1970s, when employers reinvested the majority of their profits into training programs, today’s employers tend to reinvest their profits into dividends. That means a massive shift in corporate culture would need to occur—companies would need to realize that training is worth the investment. “People want to learn and if you are offering training, that is an inducement to join the firm,” said Rick Wartzman, who has researched employer loyalty. “Folks would stick around if you are investing in them.” Some companies choose not to invest in training because they haven’t been able to foster employee loyalty. What if after having invested in training, employees leave for a better opportunity? One solution is to have employers in certain industries convene to fund training initiatives at local community colleges or nonprofit organizations. No one sector bears all of the training responsibility. For Shook, “a strong collaboration between companies, organized labor, government, and academia to radically rethink how we are going to prepare people for the future workforce” is necessary. Still, when public-sector programs fail, it tends to be because of a gap between the needs of the marketplace and what is going on in the classroom—and that demonstrates the need for employer involvement.