Exam instructions:DO NOT BEGIN THE EXAM BEFORE READING THE EXAM INSTRUCTIONS BELOW.Instructions: Read and answer each question to the best of your ability. Only a basic-function/four-function calculator is permitted to be used while testing.All of the Institute for Safe Medication Practices’ (ISMP) rules for documenting are required to be followed to receive credit.Use of abbreviations that are listed on Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JACHO) Do not Use List will be marked as incorrect. Despite the question’s format, all units of measurement must be recorded in each final answer to receive credit irrespective of the exam item’s format.Final answers that do not indicate the unit of measurement will be marked as incorrect regardless of the question’s format.All appropriate punctuation including use of commas, must be provided in the final answer. Final answers that require appropriate punctuation but are not provided will be marked as incorrect (i.e. 1,000 v. 1000).Appropriate expression and formatting of all units of measurement, according to ISMP and the required textbook Morris (2022), must be provided in the final answer; inappropriate casing and/or spacing of units of measurements will be marked as incorrect.Misspelled answers will not be granted credit. Be sure to check spelling of your final answers so that they are correctly conveyed.Follow the rounding rules provided for each exam question. If rounding instructions are not provided for any given question, do not round your final answer.You will not have the opportunity to backtrack to change or view previously recorded responses/answers. Be sure all final answers are to your satisfaction BEFORE proceeding to the next exam item.ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN ON SCRATCH PAPER, WHEN APPLICABLE, AND SUBMITTED UPON COMPLETION OF THE EXAM. PLEASE WRITE YOUR NAME ON EACH SHEET OF SCRATCH PAPER & LEAVE WITH THE EXAM PROCTOR.PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE BEGINNING THE EXAM.ALL CELL PHONES, SMARTWATCHES, BOOKS, NOTES & OTHER ITEMS NOT PERMITTED TO BE ON YOUR PERSON DURING THE EXAM MUST BE AT THE FRONT OF THE CLASSROOM/COMPUTER LAB & TURNED OFF DURING EXAMS. If your cell phone goes off or becomes audible (ringtone, vibrates, flashes) during an exam, you will be requested to stop the exam immediately. You will not be allowed to finish the exam and will receive a grade of “zero” (0) for the exam. You will be instructed to leave the room. The grade of “zero” (0) will be calculated in your exam grade average for the course.You are not permitted to navigate outside of the web browser at any point during the exam this includes accessing the calculator application on your assigned computer. Doing so will result in a grade of a zero and there will be no option to re-take or make-up the exam. Students are not allowed to access belongings (i.e. cell phone, textbooks, notes, etc.) while taking the exam. Doing so will result in a grade of a zero and there will be no option to re-take or make-up the exam.Remove all electronic devices from your person such as cell phones, watches, Garmins, FitbitsApple watches, smart watches, etc. and place them with your cell phone at the front of the room. Neither of these devices or any watch or electronic device that can be synced with another electronic device (i.e. cell phone) cannot be worn during testing.Students are not allowed to access belongings while the exam is still in session. Doing so will result in a grade of zero for the exam with no opportunity to make-up the exam.All multiple response questions will state “Select all that apply”.You may use earplugs for noise reduction. Earbuds, ear phones, etc. that emit sound are not permitted; earbuds are not permitted to be used as “ear plugs”.If you have a question, raise your hand. Do not leave your seat. Questions about content will not be answered by the proctor.When you are finished, log-off of your assigned computer, gather your belongings & quietly leave the room.Please leave all scratch paper at the front of the room. DO NOT TAKE ANY USE OR UN-USED SCRATCH PAPER OUTSIDE OF THE COMPUTER LAB.Throughout the exam, you may see the following abbreviations used: ED= emergency department, EMS=emergency medical service, OR= operating room, NP= Nurse Practitioner, PA= Physician’s Assistant, RN= Registered Nurse, LVN= Licensed Vocational Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse, VN= Vocational Nurse; UAP= unlicensed assistive personnel, PHCP= primary health care provider, MD= Medical Doctor; MAR= Medication administration record; ISMP: Institute for Safe Medication Practices