Total Output Price Marginal Revenue Average Total Cost…


  Tоtаl Output Price Mаrginаl Revenue Average Tоtal Cоst Marginal Cost 1 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100.00 $ 30 2 90 80 63.00 26 3 80 60 52.67 32 4 70 40 49.50 40 5 60 20 49.60 50 6 50 0 50.00 52 7 40 −20 52.29 66 8 30 −40 55.75 80 9 20 −60 60.67 100 10 10 −80 67.60 130   Refer to the data above for a nondiscriminating monopolist.  a)   What level of output should the monopolist produce?  Using the profit-maximizing rule for the firm to explain. b)  Is this monopolist earning profit?  Do all monopoly's make a profit?  Why or why not? c)  Name an industry that the above table could apply to?  What could be the source of this firm's monopoly power?  Explain why this type of firm can remain a monopoly.  

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