Which is the labia majora?


Which is the lаbiа mаjоra?

Pre-оp diаgnоsis: Left lung аbscess Pоst-op diаgnosis: Same Procedure performed: Left upper lobectomy with decortication and drainage Indications: The patient is a 56-year-old female with evidence of a left upper-lobe abscess seen on the MRI. She was admitted with tension pneumothorax, which was treated with double-lumen intubation and a chest tube. Procedure: The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position, with general intubation from the double-lumen tube. The patient was rolled onto the right lateral decubitus position, with left side up. A posterior lateral thoracotomy was performed. Adhesions were taken down sharply and bluntly and with cautery. Following this a standard artery first left upper lobectomy was carried out utilizing 0 silk and hemoclips. The left upper pulmonary vein was secured with a single application of the stapling machine. The posterior fissure was created with multiple applications of the automatic stapling machine and the bronchus secured with a single application of the bronchus stapling machine. Following this the wound was drained with three 24-French strium chest tubes and hemostasis obtained with spray Tisseel and surgical gauze. The bronchus was sealed with bio glue and the wound closed in layers. A sterile compression dressing was applied, and the patient was returned to the surgical intensive care unit after the double-lumen tube was changed to a single-lumen tube. The patient received 3 units of packed cells intraoperatively to maintain hemostasis. Sponge count and needle count correct × 2. Large abscess in the left upper lobe accounted for approximately 70% of the left upper-lobe parenchyma. Select the appropriate ICD-10-CM and CPT code(s):