In the lecture, what role does the concept of the ideal self…


In the lecture, whаt rоle dоes the cоncept of the ideаl self plаy in motivating players to engage with certain video games?

Writing Prоmpt: During the Christmаs hоlidаy seаsоn, images of Santa Claus are everywhere, and young children often line up to take pictures with adults dressed as Santa. Some people feel that children should not be led to believe that Santa Claus is real. Others think that believing in Santa Claus is okay.   What do you think? Which position do you agree with? Why?   Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.   Simply put, do you think children should believe in Santa Clause? Yes or No? Why?     Directions: Write a five-paragraph essay. (About 800-1000 Words)   Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. Do not use second person (you, your, yours etc.).  You cannot use cell phones or any other electronic device. Do not use information from the internet. You CANNOT use Artificial Intelligence tools. If I suspect you have consulted the internet, you will receive a ZERO (0) on this final exam!   1. The Introduction:  5-7 sentences and the thesis statement. Hook Bridge Thesis: Take a stand. "For" or "Against" 2. Body Paragraph 1:  8-12 sentences with an appropriate topic sentence. Make sure you are using college-level vocabulary and complex ideas. Also, make sure you have logical, sufficient reasoning supporting your opinion.   3. Body Paragraph 2: 8-12 sentences with an appropriate topic sentence. Make sure you are using college-level vocabulary and complex ideas. Also, make sure you have logical, sufficient reasoning supporting your opinion.   4.  Body Paragraph 3: 8-12 sentences with an appropriate topic sentence. Make sure you are using college-level vocabulary and complex ideas. Also, make sure you have logical, sufficient reasoning supporting your opinion.     5. The Conclusion:  5-6 sentences that wrap up the essay. Do not merely repeat information.  Make predictions and inferences and draw conclusions. State the importance.   Final drafts must have the correct MLA  heading, title, correct spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.    Space between paragraphs—not sentences.    Check your spelling. ***The Final Exam is worth 20% of your Final Grade.