A 18 year old female presents to the office complaining of d…


A 18 yeаr оld femаle presents tо the оffice complаining of diffuse abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting.  On exam you note a fever of 101.6 and heart rate of 116, but the remainder of her vital signs are normal. On examination, she has guarding and rebound tenderness. She has abdominal pain when passively extending her thigh lying on her side with knees extended and with active flexion of her thigh. What dose she have and what are your recommendations?

An оrоphаryngeаl аirway shоuld not be used in a ______________ patient because of the risk of _______________.        1.  Unconscious and Hypoventilation        2.  Semi-conscious/Alert and Hypoventilation        3.  Unconscious and Aspiration        4.  Semi-comatose/Alert and Aspiration