A 2-colorable graph (or bipartite graph) is a graph whose no…
A 2-colorable graph (or bipartite graph) is a graph whose nodes can be split into 2 groups, where no edge connects nodes of the same group. This is often visualized as coloring nodes red or blue, where no edge connects two nodes of the same color (all edges connect red nodes to blue nodes). Of the graphs shown above, the left is 2-colorable – there exists a coloring where no edge connects a red and blue node. However, the right is not, as edge 2-4 connects the vertices 2 and 4 (which are both red). In short, every possible way to color the nodes in the right graph will end up connecting two nodes of the same color. The SimpleBipartite class allows for the creation of a 2-colorable graph through the insertion of nodes and edges, where each node is represented by an integer value. Implement the class methods shown below as follows: class SimpleBipartite { /* * Any structures to store graph data here */ SimpleBipartite() { } void insertNode(int parent, int val) { } bool insertEdge(int v, int u) { } void printNeighbors(int v) { }}; Constructor: Creates a graph containing one node. This node is assigned the value “1”. insertNode(int parent, int val):Inserts a node with integer value val into the graph by attaching it to the node parent with an edge. Note that this will always keep the graph bipartite. Assume all integers inserted are unique (and not equal to 1). insertEdge(int v, int u):Attempts to insert an edge between the nodes v and u in the bipartite graph. The method will return true if the edge can be inserted while still keeping the graph bipartite (see above about the properties of edges in bipartite graphs). Then, the edge will be inserted into the graph between the two nodes specified.If adding the edge means that the graph will no longer be bipartite, the edge is not inserted and false is returned instead.If an edge already exists between the two nodes, or one or both of v or u don’t exist in the graph, also return false (parallel edges are not allowed). printNeighbors(int v):Prints out all the nodes adjacent to the node v, separated by spaces Sample class usage (code is executed sequentially from top to bottom):