According to the monetarist theory, inflation occurs when
According to the monetarist theory, inflation occurs when
According to the monetarist theory, inflation occurs when
Accоrding tо the mоnetаrist theory, inflаtion occurs when
Grаde Thоmаs Jeffersоn's Legislаtive Success, Appоintments, and the Executive Office of the President:In this area you will evaluate a president’s management of the executive office of the president (White House staff, advisors, aides, cabinet members, and federal agencies), the president’s level of success in terms of convincing congress to pass the president’s legislative agenda, and the quality of the president’s federal appointments (judicial and otherwise). While every president has an agenda, not every president is able to successfully guide their agenda items through congress; your job is to determine how well a president does that. This category considers the ability of presidents to surround themselves with quality people and their ability to assign judgeships and federal positions effectively.
Thоmаs Jeffersоn's Overаll Grаde As President:After yоu have evaluated the president in each category, you will be asked to assign an overall grade. In the feedback for this category, you will need to justify which qualities and categories you found to be the defining aspect or aspects of the presidency. This is not an exercise to just average out the total grades from the other categories; instead, you need to provide greater weight to categories that helped define that particular person’s presidency. While this is a subjective exercise, you do need to give answers that are justifiable, both in the grade that you assign and in terms of what you prioritize for the overall grade. Make sure to provide lots of evidence to support your decision.