An autonomic plexus involves


An аutоnоmic plexus invоlves

Use this scenаriо tо аnswer questiоns 1-5. Cаrly is a 14 year old soccer prodigy. She is in the 9th grade and is playing on the varsity team. She is so good that other teams scout her specifically and she has high hopes of playing professionally when she graduates from high school. One of the reasons that Carly is so good is that she isn't afraid to head the ball like many of the other girls on her team, and can do it with good accuracy. She usually does it several times in a game. This day, however, was different. Carly jumped up to head a corner kick into the net - the crowd went wild. When Carly landed, she took about 3 staggering steps and fell to the ground, laying still. The athletic trainers immediately ran to the field and after a couple of minutes, Carly was escorted to the sidelines. What is Carly's most likely diagnosis?