Are you within limits if planning a flight with the followin…
Are you within limits if planning a flight with the following information: A/C: 8100 lbs. 1 495 000 lb-ins 2 pilots: 550 lbs Row 1 pax: 370 lbs Row 2 pax: 390 lbs Row 3 pax: 150 lbs Foyer baggage: 40 lbs Aft cabin: 200 lbs Use the chart provided with your handouts to calculate the fuel weight •The King Air uses Jet A fuel §7.0 lbs/gallon •Max fuel weight: 3145 lbs •Fuel capacity 384 gallons FUEL WEIGHT MOMENT/100 737 1319 1675 3063 2586 4776 804 1443 1742 3188 2680 4963 871 1566 1809 3312 2747 5097 938 1690 1876 3437 2814 5231 1005 1815 1943 3562 2881 5366 1072 1939 2010 3688 2948 5501 1139 2064 2077 3811 3015 5638 1206 2188 2144 3936 3082 5773 1273 2313 2211 4062 3149 5909 1340 2437 2278 4187 1407 2562 2345 4312 1474 2687 2412 4443 1541 2812 2479 4570 1608 2938 2546 4700