Start a new paragraph or line for each answer, and be sure t…

Start a new paragraph or line for each answer, and be sure that each part of your answer is clearly labeled as part “a” or “b” or “c” (etc.). a) How do plants benefit from mycorrhizal fungi?  b) How do mycorrhizal fungi benefit from plants? c) This type of relationship is called a   ?  .(use the most specific term possible) d) Name the two categories of mycorrhizal fungi that we studied in class. e) Clearly distinguish between these two types of mycorrhizal fungi. f) This part refers to the diagram below.  For this section, type each number (shown in red in the diagram) on a separate line and then next to each number write the name of the  type of plastid indicated (i.e. for the numbers in boxes) or their functions (i.e. for the numbers on lines).