CVA CASE STUDY- Right CVA62-year-old male, retired Caterpillar construction worker. Right CVA, impaired sensation throughout entire left UE. Mild to moderate spasticity is predominant with voluntary movement throughout the LUE. RUE PROM/AROM are within functional limits. Mild edema/swelling of the left hand is noted. General strength and endurance are decreased due to extended bed rest.Left UE PROM limitations are:Left shoulder flexion 0º- 90º, limit with pain responseLeft shoulder abduction 0º – 50º, limit with pain responseRest of Left UE-WFLsAROM measures are as follows:Left shoulder flexion 0º- 45ºLeft shoulder abduction 0º – 30ºLeft elbow flexion and extension WFLLeft wrist flexion and extension 0º – 20º As the COTA contributing to updating the treatment plan with the OTR, please construct two long-term goals and two short-term goal and provide 3 relevant treatment strategies/ intervention methods for the STG. You must have at least one intervention to support the occupations and activities for each STG. (30 Points) Long Term Goal #1:Short Term Goal #1a:Interventions X3: Identify Compensation OR Remediation for eachShort Term Goal #1b:Interventions X3: Identify Compensation OR Remediation for eachLong Term Goal #2:Short Term Goal #2a:Interventions X3: Identify Compensation OR Remediation for eachShort Term Goal #2b:Interventions X3: Identify Compensation OR Remediation for each
Which OT treatment method focuses on constraining the unaffe…
Which OT treatment method focuses on constraining the unaffected limb to encourage use of the affected limb?
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On a scale of 1-10 (1 being not helpful and 10 being extremely helpful), how would you rate the combined adults/pharm activities? Then list 1 thing you really liked about the collaborative activities and 1 thing that would make them more beneficial.
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Which of the following is included in a bottle of vascular preservative fluid?
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Bacteria shaped like a sphere are known as?