CVA CASE STUDY- Right CVA62-year-old male, retired Caterpill…

CVA CASE STUDY- Right CVA62-year-old male, retired Caterpillar construction worker. Right CVA, impaired sensation throughout entire left UE. Mild to moderate spasticity is predominant with voluntary movement throughout the LUE. RUE PROM/AROM are within functional limits. Mild edema/swelling of the left hand is noted. General strength and endurance are decreased due to extended bed rest.Left UE PROM limitations are:Left shoulder flexion 0º- 90º, limit with pain responseLeft shoulder abduction 0º – 50º, limit with pain responseRest of Left UE-WFLsAROM measures are as follows:Left shoulder flexion 0º- 45ºLeft shoulder abduction 0º – 30ºLeft elbow flexion and extension WFLLeft wrist flexion and extension 0º – 20º As the COTA contributing to updating the treatment plan with the OTR, please construct two long-term goals and two short-term goal and provide 3 relevant treatment strategies/ intervention methods for the STG. You must have at least one intervention to support the occupations and activities for each STG. (30 Points) Long Term Goal #1:Short Term Goal #1a:Interventions X3: Identify Compensation OR Remediation for eachShort Term Goal #1b:Interventions X3: Identify Compensation OR Remediation for eachLong Term Goal #2:Short Term Goal #2a:Interventions X3: Identify Compensation OR Remediation for eachShort Term Goal #2b:Interventions X3: Identify Compensation OR Remediation for each