Marketers can use grassroots marketing approach to develop long-lasting, individual relationships with loyal customers.
Prior to the 1930s, most of the marketing research involved…
Prior to the 1930s, most of the marketing research involved gathering written testimonials from purchasers of firms’ products.
Sales promotion provides a long-term incentive to emphasize,…
Sales promotion provides a long-term incentive to emphasize, assist, supplement, or otherwise support the objectives of the promotional program.
Market leaders are more likely to engage in comparative adve…
Market leaders are more likely to engage in comparative advertising than new entrants.
The state of North Carolina established a website where gove…
The state of North Carolina established a website where governmental departments could invite bids from participating suppliers for supplying goods and services. This is an example of e-procurement.
The basic core values of a culture are highly dynamic and fl…
The basic core values of a culture are highly dynamic and flexible.
Many grocery chains require customers to have a membership c…
Many grocery chains require customers to have a membership card in order to receive sale prices or other discounts. These grocery chains are practicing database marketing.
Firms must attempt to group consumers according to the prese…
Firms must attempt to group consumers according to the presence or absence of those factors that affect purchase decisions.
Jack does not buy his shoes from any company other than Unpa…
Jack does not buy his shoes from any company other than Unparalleled, a leading shoe manufacturer, because of the comfort they offer and their unique style features. Jack is in the brand insistence stage of brand loyalty.
Convenience samples are mostly used in definitive studies.
Convenience samples are mostly used in definitive studies.