Looking again at the spectrum shown in the previous question…

Looking again at the spectrum shown in the previous question, in the wavenumber range of approximatly 600-700cycles/cm, what is the intensity of the radiation going out to space? Choose the best answer without any formula or calculation, simply by using the information shown in the graph of the spectrum.

Stefan-Boltzmann’s law says that a blackbody emits energy pe…

Stefan-Boltzmann’s law says that a blackbody emits energy per unit of surface area (Wm-2) according to Equation. What is the energy per unit of surface area (Wm-2) that the Earth emits from its surface if it has an emissivity of 1 and the temperature is 288 K? The Stefan Boltzman constant is Equation = 5.67 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4