When comparing verbal and nonverbal communication, research indicates that verbal communication is processed in the right to brain hemisphere while nonverbal communication has processed primarily in the left brain hemisphere.
The Reflexive Cycle of nonverbal communication development e…
The Reflexive Cycle of nonverbal communication development entails 5 distinct phases of development. In phase one, it is important to look inward and perform an honest inventory of the self, as well as analyze what others are doing.
Research on clothing indicates that it serves many purposes…
Research on clothing indicates that it serves many purposes from a nonverbal communication perspective. One such purpose is persuasive, such as a doctor wearing a white lab coat to positively influence your perception of their credibility.
Giving someone a thumbs up instead of saying “it’s all good”…
Giving someone a thumbs up instead of saying “it’s all good” is an example of a regulating kinesic behavior.
Which of the following terms describes people’s tendency to…
Which of the following terms describes people’s tendency to attribute positive qualities to physically attractive people?
The nonverbal code, proxemics, focuses on the way distance a…
The nonverbal code, proxemics, focuses on the way distance and space play a communicative role in our everyday life.
___________ is the research term for the communicative aspec…
___________ is the research term for the communicative aspects of time.
Why is it important to compare financial institutions before…
Why is it important to compare financial institutions before choosing one?
The global environment only impacts businesses operating in…
The global environment only impacts businesses operating in international markets.
The assessment of a hospitals performance related to patient…
The assessment of a hospitals performance related to patient safety and quality improvement is the major emphasis of this accrediting organization.