From a Christian world view, we realize that sanctification takes palace via the means of grace, which according to our class discussion includes…
As movements continue to change over time, it appears that A…
As movements continue to change over time, it appears that AACC may take the place of the BCC as the leading biblical counseling organization.
Early biblical counselor who worked with MacArthur, actually…
Early biblical counselor who worked with MacArthur, actually writing the chapters on how to counsel in Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically
In class, your instructor concluded that…
In class, your instructor concluded that…
Who was NOT a key individual in the popularity of the CCEF?
Who was NOT a key individual in the popularity of the CCEF?
Based on the class discussion, who repented of their partici…
Based on the class discussion, who repented of their participation in the BC movement, convinced that it actually is not biblical?
In chapter 2 on “Sufficient for Life and Godliness,” Tautges…
In chapter 2 on “Sufficient for Life and Godliness,” Tautges and Viars seek to demonstrate biblical sufficiency by reviewing…
The best known female author/speaker in biblical counseling.
The best known female author/speaker in biblical counseling.
Why Christians Can’t Trust Psychology is fun to read, in par…
Why Christians Can’t Trust Psychology is fun to read, in part because ½ of each chapter is a story of a man who…
NANC later changed its name to
NANC later changed its name to