The 95 Theses for an Authentically Christian Commitment to Counseling were posted on the 500th anniversary of…
The concept of “Idols of the Heart” is…
The concept of “Idols of the Heart” is…
In the “Introduction,” DeYoung and Quinn state that the mini…
In the “Introduction,” DeYoung and Quinn state that the ministry of the preacher and the biblical counselor are…
John MacArthur’s Our Sufficiency in Christ is a biblical cri…
John MacArthur’s Our Sufficiency in Christ is a biblical critique of…
Jay Adams is considered the father of the biblical counselin…
Jay Adams is considered the father of the biblical counseling movement, since he founded…
The advocate of the “Integration” view in our textbook was…
The advocate of the “Integration” view in our textbook was…
Related to counseling, among evangelical Christians today…
Related to counseling, among evangelical Christians today…
Originally with CCEF, the author of Instruments in the Redee…
Originally with CCEF, the author of Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hand and What Did You Expect?
Jay Adams’ foundational book, that was key to the founding o…
Jay Adams’ foundational book, that was key to the founding of the nouthetic counseling movement, was based on what text of Scripture?
Some Christians view the Bible as a collection of universal…
Some Christians view the Bible as a collection of universal life principles, which play a role in character formation, rather than focusing on the truth of the gospel. Perhaps the key example of this approach as mentioned in class was…