Bob and Mary are both lineworkers for a utility company who…

Bob and Mary are both lineworkers for a utility company who have been working together for almost two years. Bob frequently tells Mary that the job is called “lineman” and not “linewoman,” and thus, it is not a woman’s job. He plays practical jokes on her such as hiding some of her tools and sabotaging her truck. He asks her when she plans on getting pregnant and staying at home to take care of her children and gives her copies of “Help Wanted” ads for secretarial and waitress jobs. Such behavior has kept Mary disturbed at work. If Mary complains about Bob’s conduct:

Mary, a freelance accountant, is hired by Bob Operating Busi…

Mary, a freelance accountant, is hired by Bob Operating Business (BOB) whenever there is some auditing work at BOB’s back-end office. Mary is called to the office on a need basis and is paid $200 per day for her services. Which of the following is true of this scenario?