Which combination of R2 and adj R2 is NOT possible?
Which of the following is true of a training data set?
Which of the following is true of a training data set?
In Backpropagation weights
In Backpropagation weights
To predict the sales value of a house, an analyst gathered d…
To predict the sales value of a house, an analyst gathered data about the houses sold in the neighborhood. One of the variables in the dataset is construction material. The options for construction material are stucco, concrete, cement composites, and brick. To properly model this variable in a regression model, how many dummy variables should the analyst create?
Backward elimination is:
Backward elimination is:
Which of the following statement is true about k-NN algorith…
Which of the following statement is true about k-NN algorithm?i.k-NN performs much better if all of the data have the same scaleii.it is a model driven approachiii.k-NN makes no assumptions about the functional form of the problem being solved
In binary logistic regression:
In binary logistic regression:
In binary logistic regression:
In binary logistic regression:
How to select best parameters in tree based models?
How to select best parameters in tree based models?
In k-NN what will happen when you increase/decrease the valu…
In k-NN what will happen when you increase/decrease the value of k?