In dogs, adult heartworms are typically found in the:
What is this parasite?
What is this parasite?
A patient is diagnosed with tapeworms. What 2 medications/tr…
A patient is diagnosed with tapeworms. What 2 medications/treatment should be given?
Heartworm can be treated in dogs, but the treatment has many…
Heartworm can be treated in dogs, but the treatment has many potential side effects and risks.
Explain what a proglottid is. Explain what a gravid proglott…
Explain what a proglottid is. Explain what a gravid proglottid is.
How long is a fecal sample good for with refrigeration?
How long is a fecal sample good for with refrigeration?
Cats infected with which parasite generally only shed the oo…
Cats infected with which parasite generally only shed the oocysts for less than 2 weeks for their entire life?
Eucestoda are pseudotapeworms
Eucestoda are pseudotapeworms
Although there are no eggs seen in a patient’s fecal float,…
Although there are no eggs seen in a patient’s fecal float, that patient is diagnosed with tapeworms. How is that possible? Why were the eggs not seen in the fecal float?
How do tapeworms absorb nutrients (2 points if you use the v…
How do tapeworms absorb nutrients (2 points if you use the vocab word)?