Which one(s) are positive in the starch hydrolysis tests below?
When the pH of the Mannitol salts agar goes below 6.8, the m…
When the pH of the Mannitol salts agar goes below 6.8, the media will appear ___________________________.
Use the dichotomous key and the data provided below to ident…
Use the dichotomous key and the data provided below to identify the organism. The results from testing an unknown organism gave the following results: Gram stain: purple rods SIM: Black precipitate not formed, yellow ring at top Hydrogen peroxide: Bubbles not produced when added to growth Urea Broth: Broth turned bright pink Motility: Cloudiness in SIM
This medium can be used to identify fecal coliforms like E….
This medium can be used to identify fecal coliforms like E. coli in water samples.
A microorganism ferments glucose to mixed acids. Based on t…
A microorganism ferments glucose to mixed acids. Based on this information, it would test positive in: (select all that apply)
Gram-positive bacteria will ___________________ on EMB agar.
Gram-positive bacteria will ___________________ on EMB agar.
This medium can be used to identify fecal coliforms like E….
This medium can be used to identify fecal coliforms like E. coli in water samples.
The majority of the time the Superfund will be used to pay f…
The majority of the time the Superfund will be used to pay for the clean up of hazardous waste sites.
The Endangered Species Act applies to all animals, regardles…
The Endangered Species Act applies to all animals, regardless whether they are endangered or not.
The EPA regulates the movement of all hazardous substances i…
The EPA regulates the movement of all hazardous substances in the U.S.