In infancy, childhood, and adolescence, muscle growth is by both hyperplasia and hypertrophy.
The ability to see an object of interest as distinct from th…
The ability to see an object of interest as distinct from the background is termed ____________.
Girls begin their adolescent growth spurt approximately 2 ye…
Girls begin their adolescent growth spurt approximately 2 years before boys begin their adolescent growth spurt, on the average.
During the first year, which type of reach is most prevalent…
During the first year, which type of reach is most prevalent?
The actions and behaviors permitted by the places, objects,…
The actions and behaviors permitted by the places, objects, and events in and of an environment are termed ____________.
Tool use depends on the properties of both the tool and the…
Tool use depends on the properties of both the tool and the surface or other object the tool is used on.
Traction epiphyses are located where ____________ attach to…
Traction epiphyses are located where ____________ attach to the bones.
In the development of throwing, trunk rotation in which the…
In the development of throwing, trunk rotation in which the lower trunk and upper trunk rotate together, as a unit, is called ____________ rotation.
Infants who are able to detour around a barrier demonstrate…
Infants who are able to detour around a barrier demonstrate spatial perception, and development of spatial perception is facilitated by locomotor experience.
Infants transition from prereaching to reaching at what age?
Infants transition from prereaching to reaching at what age?