There are no known risks to the use of pesticides in the food supply
____________ obesity is a pattern of body fat distribution a…
____________ obesity is a pattern of body fat distribution associated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension.
The FDA inspects a small percentage of foreign food faciliti…
The FDA inspects a small percentage of foreign food facilities
What is a CSA?
What is a CSA?
The Boston merchant who became the leader of the Sons of Lib…
The Boston merchant who became the leader of the Sons of Liberty was:
The U.S. Constitution was ratified by voters in 1788, but on…
The U.S. Constitution was ratified by voters in 1788, but only because of the promise that new amendments to the Constitution would be adopted in order to guarantee rights of individual citizens. These first ten constitutional amendments, added by Congress and ratified by the states in 1789, are known as the
This 1794 treaty, negotiated by the former Supreme Court Chi…
This 1794 treaty, negotiated by the former Supreme Court Chief Justice, was one in which the U.S. promised friendship with England (while they were at war with our former ally, France), despite the fact that the British interfered (often) with our foreign trade.
Both the First and the Second Continental Congresses convene…
Both the First and the Second Continental Congresses convened in the city of:
The first territory west of the Mississippi River to apply f…
The first territory west of the Mississippi River to apply for statehood in 1818 (causing controversy over slavery there) was:
The U.S. Constitution was ratified by voters in 1788, but on…
The U.S. Constitution was ratified by voters in 1788, but only because of the promise that new amendments to the Constitution would be adopted in order to guarantee rights of individual citizens. These first ten constitutional amendments, added by Congress and ratified by the states in 1789, are known as the