Explain the tonic stretch reflex. Please discuss and describ…

Explain the tonic stretch reflex. Please discuss and describe the relevant circuitry involved ( what neurons/fibers (be specific)), details regarding how it works, and whether or not it is normal to see this reflex in a healthy, intact adult. Also, please describe how this reflex might be affected by: 1) upper motor neuron damage; 2) lower motor neuron damage; 3) sensory afferent neuron damage. 

EXTRA CREDIT: Please describe the following information for…

EXTRA CREDIT: Please describe the following information for each motor tract listed: a) the function, b) the location of the UMN cell body and axon, c) the location of the LMN cell body and axon, d) does it cross, and if so, where, and e) what is the target muscle group? 1) lateral reticulospinal 2) medial reticulospinal 3) medial vestibulospinal  4) tectospinal