A range of colors indicates a progression of attribute values. Colors can vary in intensity, range, or both
A _________ is the fit of a theoretical sphere, spheroid, or…
A _________ is the fit of a theoretical sphere, spheroid, or geoid to a surface; these are used to apply measures of longitude and latitude to exact locations on Earth’s surface. WGS 84 (G1674) NAD83 are examples.
A file that contains map data and associated data layer(s)…
A file that contains map data and associated data layer(s) and/or other map data such as attributes; a .mxd file.
A graph showing the distribution of values within a set of…
A graph showing the distribution of values within a set of data.
All the data presented in various map layers is referenced t…
All the data presented in various map layers is referenced to a single base map layer. An example would be a completed mapping project where all the pictures of the SPC campus buildings have been geo-referenced to the Pinellas County shapefile,
Assigned meanings to vector and raster data such as symbols…
Assigned meanings to vector and raster data such as symbols for railroads and cities or various colors for density, population, or labeling
A proportional symbol map where map symbols change in size…
A proportional symbol map where map symbols change in size as the do the values they represent so that different sizes of symbol show different quantities is known as a __________________.
is an example of a major mineral require…
is an example of a major mineral required by the body and is classified as an electrolyte.
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by a .
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by a .
is an early indication of dehydration.
is an early indication of dehydration.